107. Numerical Measures of Central Tendency for Ungrouped Data

1. A student has seven statistics books open in front of him. The page numbers are as follows: 231, 423, 521, 139, 347, 400, and 345. The median for this set of numbers is

(a) 139.

(b) 347.

(c) 346.

(d) 373.5.

2. A cyclist recorded the number of miles per day that she cycled for 5 days. The recordings were as follows: 13, 10, 12, 10, and 11. The mean number of miles she cycled per day is

(a) 13.

(b) 11.

(c) 10.

(d) 11.2.

3. An instructor recorded the following quiz scores (out of a possible 10 points) for the 12 students present: 7, 4, 4, 7, 2, 9, 10, 6, 7, 3, 8, 5. The mode for this set of scores is

(a) 9.5.

(b) 7.

(c) 6.

(d) 3.

4. It is stated that more students are purchasing graphing calculators than any other type of calculator. Which measure is being used here?

(a) Mean

(b) Median

(c) Mode

(d) None of the above

5. Which of the following is not a measure of central tendency?

(a) Mode

(b) Variability

(c) Median

(d) Mean

Use the following frequency distribution for Problems 6 to 8.













6. The mean of the distribution is

(a) 32.4.

(b) 30.

(c) 39.

(d) 32.07.

7. The median of the distribution is

(a) 4.

(b) 30.

(c) 29.5.

(d) 34.5.

8. The mode of the distribution is

(a) 29.

(b) 30.

(c) 29 and 30.

(d) none of the above.

9. Given the following data set: 12, 32, 45, 14, 24, and 31. The total deviation from the mean for the data values is

(a) 0.

(b) 26.3333.

(c) 29.5.

(d) 12.

10. The most frequently occurring value in a data set is called the

(a) spread.

(b) mode.

(c) skewness.

(d) maximum value.

11. A single numerical value used to describe a characteristic of a sample data set, such as the sample median, is referred to as a

(a) sample parameter.

(b) sample median.

(c) population parameter.

(d) sample statistic.

12. Which of the following is true for a positively skewed (right-skewed) distribution?

(a) Mode = Median = Mean

(b) Mean < Median < Mode

(c) Mode < Median < Mean

(d) Median < Mode < Mean

13. Which of the following would be affected the most if there is an extremely large value in the data set?

(a) The mode

(b) The median

(c) The frequency

(d) The mean

14. If the number of values in a data set is even, and the numbers are ordered, then

(a) the median cannot be found.

(b) the median is the average of the two middle numbers.

(c) the median, mode, and mean are equal.

(d) none of the above answers are correct.

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